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🎉Speechless, humbled, and honored to be invited to the 73rd Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting!

Every summer, about 40 Nobel laureates and 600 young scientists from all over the world (undergraduates to postdocs) mingle on the small island of Lindau. With its 73 years-long heritage, it is recognized as one of the most prestigious places a young scientist can stand. During extremely competitive selection steps spanning 6 months, I was nominated as a young scientist representing Korea by the Korean Academy of Science and Technology and finally invited to the meeting by the Lindau Review Panel. My gratitude goes to Prof. Himchan Cho for his munificent support throughout this half-year-long process.

I will fully cherish and enjoy fruitful mingling among the people who have contributed to and others who will contribute to science. Looking forward to this once in a lifetime opportunity!

매일경제 Maeil Economy
